About Discover LONDON ART
Discover London Art presents the museum’s art collection in two learning streams:
DIGITAL STORIES: The stories behind the permanent collection
ART LESSONS: The permanent collection as a source of inspiration and knowledge
Through digital content and activities, the project provides school-age children with an interactive opportunity to engage with the museum’s collection.
The project encourages the exploration of the Museum’s permanent collection in connection with the new Museum London’s Permanent Art Display.
The project also enhances Museum London’s School Programs. Over the years, Museum London has developed a trove of material for teaching purposes. We built on that experience.
Discover London Art promote engagement with the permanent collection in the classroom and at the museum. The focus is on the exploration of the museum from a storytelling perspective.
We believe in the potential of art to spark children’s curiosity and foster meaningful interactions. We want to facilitate and accompany the children’s first encounters with the city’s most significant art treasures. We are confident that this will be the beginning of long-lasting cultural experiences, which will contribute to their development as engaged citizens and mindful human beings.
Pilot / Target Audience: Grade 4-6
Discover London Art is a project developed by Triana Media for Museum London.
All the artworks reproduced are from the collection of Museum London unless otherwise noted.
The Museum London Idea Incubator - Digital Solutions for Arts Education and Engagement is an initiative by Museum London in collaboration with Nordicity and Lord Cultural Resources, and funded by the Canada Council for the Arts through the Digital Strategy Fund.
The French, Spanish and Arabic versions were produced with the support of the Department of Languages and Cultures at Western University.
Devon Elliott
Juan A. Bello
Discover London Art: Digital Stories
Museum London Idea Incubator - Digital Solutions for Arts Education and Engagement
Pilot Testing Version | Produced by Triana Media for Museum London, May 2019